Pico CSS Library
Core technologies and resources powering Pico CSS.
- Sass: CSS pre-processor
- PostCSS: CSS post-processor
- Autoprefixer: add vendor CSS prefixes using values from Can I Use
- Clean CSS: CSS optimizer and minifier
- Sanitize.css: Cross-browser default styling
- Normalize.css: CSS reset
- Tabler Icons: Embedded icons
- jsDelivr: CDN
Website and docs
The stack behind our website and documentation.
- Remix: React framework
- Cloudflare: Hosting and website CDN
- TypeIt: JavaScript typewriter effect
- React Syntax Highlighter
- Theme toggles: Animated theme toggle icon
- CodeSandbox: Examples cloud development platform
- Figtree: Friendly sans serif font for the headings
- Fira Code: Monospaced font with ligatures for code snippets